الأرشيف الوطني يوزع إصداراته على سفارات الدولة، والسفارات الأجنبية لدى الدولة عبر وزارة الخارجية
In celebration of the "2016... Year of Reading" initiative
The National Archives distributes its publications to the embassies of the country and foreign embassies in the country through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
In response to the initiative of His Highness, the President of the State, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan - may God protect him - to make 2016 the year of reading, the National Archives of the United Arab Emirates, within the framework of its "A Nation Reads" project, presented a large number of its publications, foremost of which is the book (Zayed is a man built nation) to the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to distribute it to the country's embassies abroad and to foreign embassies in the country; Being a wide cultural window through which the reader learns about aspects of the history and heritage of the UAE.
Regarding this approach, His Excellency Majid Sultan Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the National Archives, said: The National Archives took the initiative to present its publications, foremost of which is the book (Zayed, A Man Who Built a Nation), to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to distribute them to the country's embassies abroad and to foreign embassies in the country in response to the "2016... The Year of Reading" in the context of distributing it to the largest possible number of official agencies and institutions; With the aim of spreading national knowledge and presenting a true and documented picture of the history and heritage of the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region, and of the founding leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - may God rest his soul in peace - and his brothers, the founding fathers and the great leaders of the Emirates. Providing reliable and reliable information, and in response to the growing demand for the National Archives publications that enhance the cultural field with honest and documented research on the history and heritage of the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region.
His Excellency added: Distributing the National Archives' publications to the country's embassies abroad and to foreign embassies in the country is an expression of its respect for reading, which is the secret to enriching knowledge, and its belief in the importance of exporting knowledge to the world, and this is a civilized act that only self-confident nations can do. itself is a major humanitarian mission.
The National Archives is keen to distribute the book (Zayed, A Man Who Built a Nation), published in both Arabic and English, at the forefront of its publications, due to its national and cultural value. As it documented the great deeds and virtues of the monuments that the life of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - may his soul rest in peace - was full of in terms of events and events, and the book sheds light in its forty-three chapters on the various stages of the exceptional life of the late - God willing - Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, And for his great achievements, starting from his birth in 1918 through his efforts in the establishment of the United Arab Emirates on the second of December 1971, and his pioneering role in achieving the achievements of the Union and building a prosperous nation comparable to the most developed countries. Where he invested - may God rest his soul in peace - Abu Dhabi's oil revenues to start a remarkable stage of the blessed renaissance, and to alleviate the suffering that the people of the Emirates experienced in the past, and this was only due to his honesty and sincerity to his countrymen, so the Emirates became one of the most advanced and advanced countries in the world.
The book stands on the most prominent historical milestones in the life of Sheikh Zayed, including his keenness - may God have mercy on him - to develop the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its prosperity during his reign before the establishment of the United Arab Emirates, as he was known for his keen follow-up of every small and large in the emirate, and his constant enthusiasm for improving the lives of citizens and developing various Aspects of their lives, and the book presents the diplomacy of the Emirates, whose main features were set by Sheikh Zayed, who adopted a policy of neutrality in many international problems, without ignoring Arab and Islamic rights, foremost of which was the Palestinian issue, which was at the forefront of the state's concerns in international forums, leading to his outstanding efforts in unifying Gulf and Arab ranks in the face of external challenges. In the most difficult ordeals, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, emerged as a leader and a peace advocate whose political influence extends to all parts of the earth. Therefore, over the course of thirty-three years of his presidency, he continued to play political and humanitarian roles at the global level, mediating to stop wars, and putting pressure on society with his usual wisdom. to act at decisive junctures in our history.
It is worth noting that the National Archives is working to provide academic and cultural circles and those interested this year with about seven new publications that deal with national and historical issues that contribute to supporting useful reading that enhances national values among members of society.