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  • The Social and Political Environment and its Effect on the Establishment of the UAE

The Social and Political Environment and its Effect on the Establishment of the UAE

Author : Dr. Nabawaiya Helmi Abu Pasha
Language : Arabic
ISBN : 9948-05-000-2
Year : 2002
Category: .
Book Type : Paperback

In keeping with the NA’s ambitious plan to publish scientific and scholarly studies, this book represents fundamental researches based on several years of data collection by the author. The book is divided into five chapters which analyze the social relations and explain the political and economic dimensions that impact the present and future. Chapter one deals with the ecological features and physical characteristics of the different Emirates, the economic activities, political boundaries and the demographic structure of the UAE society. The second chapter portrays the historical background of the political system prior to the formation of the UAE, tribal alliances in the area and the influence of the British. The third chapter depicts the transformation in the power structure within the historical and social perspective and the developments that initiated the need for the federation based on a constitution to regulate the political system of a modern state. The fourth chapter deals with environment and economic changes and describes the occupations of the pre-oil era such as pealing, fishing and farming. The fifth chapter demonstrates the main features of the society in the Emirates and its social components during the transition from tribe to state. The book concludes with the remark that a comparison between the erstwhile Trucial Emirates and modern UAE is like comparing two different worlds.


In keeping with the NA’s ambitious plan to publish scientific and scholarly studies, this book represents fundamental researches based on several years of data collection by the author. The book is divided into five chapters which analyze the social relations and explain the political and economic dimensions that impact the present and future. Chapter one deals with the ecological features and physical characteristics of the different Emirates, the economic activities, political boundaries and the demographic structure of the UAE society. The second chapter portrays the historical background of the political system prior to the formation of the UAE, tribal alliances in the area and the influence of the British. The third chapter depicts the transformation in the power structure within the historical and social perspective and the developments that initiated the need for the federation based on a constitution to regulate the political system of a modern state. The fourth chapter deals with environment and economic changes and describes the occupations of the pre-oil era such as pealing, fishing and farming. The fifth chapter demonstrates the main features of the society in the Emirates and its social components during the transition from tribe to state. The book concludes with the remark that a comparison between the erstwhile Trucial Emirates and modern UAE is like comparing two different worlds.

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Weight 0.60 kg



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